Jenna Mantis Jenna Mantis

Jenna Mantis Cutler is the former Digital Marketing Manager for a few of's suite of brands: TopResume, TopCV, and TopInterview. With a background in social media and digital marketing, Jenna is passionate about helping brands create and bring to life their unique identities. Outside of her 9-to-5, Jenna can be found exploring the streets of NYC with her rescue pup, Reese.

How Making This Interview Question Illegal Can Help Eliminate the Gender Wage Gap

A Career Changer Finds Success With Interview Coaching

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Work Your Way Through the Interview Funnel — and Come Out Victorious

Meet Our Interview Coach: Nick D.

I Worked With an Interview Coach. Here's What I Learned

Finding the Right One for You: The Saga

What You Get From Professional Interview Coaching